Dates: July 13th — 15th
Time: 10 am - 4pm
Portland, OR 97227

the Asian Arts Estate Collection, the featured estate sale in our showroom gallery. We will have a large collection of Asian art, antiques, and artifacts available to purchase before the collection is released in our online store. Explore all the great items we've arranged for this featured estate sale. There is something for everyone, including all the rest of Gary's treasures in his vault with exclusive discounts for the event.
Important Details
- There is no list. Numbers are handed out at 9 a.m. the FIRST DAY OF THE SALE ONLY.
- If there is a large crowd we let small groups of people in at a time until everyone is happily shopping.
- Your number will hold your place in line, which means that once you get your number, you can leave the venue and return once the doors open.
- We accept cash or credit cards for payment.
- All sales are final and must be picked up on the day of the sale unless other arrangements are discussed.
- We offer a holding area for you to place your goods while shopping.
- We do not allow large bags, boxes or backpacks; no exceptions.
We look forward to seeing you at the estate sale. Happy treasure hunting!